Love’s evolution is my resolution, my revolution, my solution

I dag formidler vi en tekst av Velcrow Ripper, regisør av filmer som Scared SacredFierce Light og Occupy Love. Sistnevnte film inkluderer intervjuer med Charles Eisenstein (Sacred economics) og Rupert Sheldrake som vi kjenner fra før her på

Ripper er aktiv i Occupy-bevegelsen som vi også har referert til tidligere her på

Her er Velcrow Rippers anmodning til oss

Poster for Occupy Love2013 is upon us! Love’s evolution is my resolution, my revolution, my solution. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here, right now, in this incredible time of chaos, challenge, transition and possibility. If you like surprises, stay tuned! Anything could happen. There is a global awakening blooming all around this trembling earth. A thirst for justice, for equality, for sustainability, for compassion — for love. And it cannot be stopped. It’s a Tsunami of transformation, and the time is now.

A naturally arising methodology of participatory democracy, of shared power, rooted in compassion, rooted in interdependence is arising. We have no interest in the tired old ideologies of days gone by — don’t come to this movement with the answers. Come with questions, come with an open heart. This (r)evolution is a process, not a product. We are Occupying with Love.

I’m inviting you — me, we — to celebrate the astounding goodness of our essential beings, the goodness of this gorgeous miraculous unsurpassable earth. I’m inviting us to return to our true journey, to align our hearts and our minds and even our bellies with the unfolding evolutionary adventure, to break free from these dark dark ages and help to bring in a new era, an era of empathy, of harmony, of co-operation, of shared power, of meaning, of purpose.

It will be messy, we will stumble in our awakening, hit the snooze button, fall back asleep, wake up again. And again. And again. Make no mistake about it. There will be more suffering on the journey — perhaps a great deal more. But the time has come. It’s time to let go the petty profane existence the greed machine is relentlessly selling us.

It’s time to take hold of your birthright. To discover your true calling. Wake up to your true Self. As the Zen prayer goes — don’t squander your life. Wake up!

I’m not asking you to crawl on your knees in acts of service and supplication. I am inviting you to be of service, but in a way that is joyous for you. I’m inviting you to discover your bliss — not your ego’s bliss, but the bliss of your true Self. Ask yourself this — are you a gift to the planet? Are you a gift to your community? Are you a gift to your family, your friends, your lover, your true Self? Are you a gift to the whole damn universe?

If you aren’t, then you’re missing out. Because when you become a true Giver and not just a taker, you will discover the incredible power of reciprocity. The real Secret is that the more you give, the more you receive. You cannot lose when you lead a life of love. It’s as simple as opening your heart. It’s as natural as breathing.

Can you spare some compassion? Some creativity? Some action? Some Love? Some love in action? In the end, it all comes down to love. Love is the bedrock of the universe, of the planet. We are part of an incredibly complex system of systems, systems within systems within systems, all relying on each other in a web of checks and balances, of co-operation, of community.

Love is a verb, it’s the creative life force of the universe unfurling in real time. This is who we are — beautiful, brilliant, and interdependent. We need each other, we need the universe, and more than that, nothing is more deeply deeply meaningful, more fulfilling, than plugging into this process, this unimaginably powerful process. This love.

It’s time to wake up. Wake up! This is the moment — right now. There’s no better place to be than right here, in this moment, right now. Welcome to life in the fire of change. Heart by heart, we can transform this world, from the bottom up. We aren’t waiting around, we aren’t asking for permission. We are doing this. Now. With love. Let your fierce love shine.

~ Velcrow Ripper, regisør av filmen Occupy LOVE

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