Jeg nyter en stille morgen med Leonard Cohens dype stemme og åndelige tekster fra hans nye CD «Old ideas». Mannen er snart 80 år og er kanskje bedre enn noen gang. Cohens jødiske bakgrunn, årelange erfaring med zen-meditasjon og hans eksistensielle livsanskuelse preger også tekstene på en flott måte.
I sangen «Going home» synger han fra sin sjel til sitt fysiske jeg, en lat dritsekk i dress, som han sier. Jeg synes det er vakkert. Nedenfor finner du teksten. Les den som en meditasjon, om du ønsker, men aller helst kjøp platen og lytt til både teksten, musikken og Cohens stemme.
Ha et godt nå!
Lyrics: «Going home» from the album «Old ideas» with Leonard Cohen
I love to speak with Leonard
He’s a sportsman and a shepherd
He’s a lazy bastard
Living in a suit
But he does say what I tell him
Even though it isn’t welcome
He just doesn’t have the freedom
To refuse
He will speak these words of wisdom
Like a sage, a man of vision
Though he knows he’s really nothing
But the brief elaboration of a tube
Going home
Without my sorrow
Going home
Sometime tomorrow
Going home
To where it’s better
Than before
Going home
Without my burden
Going home
Behind the curtain
Going home
Without the costume
That I wore
He wants to write a love song
An anthem of forgiving
A manual for living with defeat
A cry above the suffering
A sacrifice recovering
But that isn’t what I need him to complete
I want to make him certain
That he doesn’t have a burden
That he doesn’t need a vision
That he only has permission
To do my instant bidding
Which is to say what I have told him
To repeat
Going home
Without my sorrow
Going home
Sometime tomorrow
Going home
To where it’s better
Than before
Going home
Without my burden
Going home
Behind the curtain
Going home
Without this costume
That I wore
I love to speak with Leonard
He’s a sportsman and a shepherd
He’s a lazy bastard
Living in a suit
Lyrics copied from
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